year: 2015
size: 7 ft
materials: acrylic, oil stick
client: private residence.Menlo park , CA

size: 7 feet wide
year: 2016
client: HangArt for show "Freshly painted" Jan 2016
year: 2018
size: 28x60
materials: acrylics
client: private residence, Berkeley, CA
size: 6 feet
materials: dry erase markers
client: Sobu Oakland,5451 College avenue,Oakland ,CA

year: 2019
materials: acrylics and oil sticks on photo paper collaged on paper
client: Andrea Schwartz

size: 30x30
materials: acrylic and oil sticks on photo paper collaged on paper
client: Andrea Schwartz

size: 30x40
materials: oil sticks, acrylics, graphite on panel
resized artwork commission for Andrea Schwartz.

year: 2023
size : 40x40
materials : acrylics, oil sticks and graphite on panel
resized artwork commisioned by Andrea Schwartz

year: 2015
size: 7 ft
materials: acrylic, oil stick
client: private residence.Menlo park , CA
size: 7 feet wide
year: 2016
client: HangArt for show "Freshly painted" Jan 2016
year: 2018
size: 28x60
materials: acrylics
client: private residence, Berkeley, CA
size: 6 feet
materials: dry erase markers
client: Sobu Oakland,5451 College avenue,Oakland ,CA
year: 2019
materials: acrylics and oil sticks on photo paper collaged on paper
client: Andrea Schwartz
size: 30x30
materials: acrylic and oil sticks on photo paper collaged on paper
client: Andrea Schwartz
size: 30x40
materials: oil sticks, acrylics, graphite on panel
resized artwork commission for Andrea Schwartz.
year: 2023
size : 40x40
materials : acrylics, oil sticks and graphite on panel
resized artwork commisioned by Andrea Schwartz